Frequently Asked Questions

You will get an email after placing orders. You can also view your order details after logging into your account.

  • Goods are normally delivered within approximately 1 to 3 working days after despatch. Delivery times may take longer during bank holidays and the Christmas period.
  • Goods are normally despatched within 1 to 3 working days from receipt of your order.
  • The delivery times apply to U.K. mainland addresses only and not the Scottish Highlands and Islands, Isle of Wight and Northern Ireland.
  • Deliveries to the Scottish Highlands and Islands, Isle of Wight and Northern Ireland may take up to an additional 3 days longer.
  • All delivery times are estimates.

If your order is sent by tracked delivery, you will receive a tracking number via email when your order has been shipped.

Before getting in touch, please do the following:

  • Check your shipping confirmation email for any mistakes that may have been made when entering the delivery address.
  • Check the tracking information to see if the package is still in transit with the carrier.
  • Check with your neighbours in case the package was delivered and left with them.

If the shipping address is correct, the package is not in transit and was not left with a neighbour, then contact us and please make sure that you quote your order number.

Please note that there may be slight differences/variations between colours displayed on screen and colours of the actual products which will be beyond our control. This will be because of factors such as the hue (colour settings), contrast settings and the resolution on your screen, your monitor or the device that you are viewing the products from. Screen images and  colours are therefore guidelines or approximations.

We’re so sorry if the product you ordered arrived damaged. To help us resolve this for you quickly, please contact us within 48 hours of receipt stating your order number, and any other details you may have about your order.  We’ll get back to you with a resolution as soon as possible.

Items must be returned within 14 days of receipt/delivery. However, we regret that earrings and personalised or custom items cannot be returned.

Before returning your order please contact us within 5 days and we will guide you. More detailed information about returns can be seen in our Terms and Conditions.





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